Trucchi Fallout 3 PC: ottenere oggetti

Fallout 3 ci consente di avere a disposizione diversi oggetti extra da poter ottenere in modo molto facile senza faticare efettuando azioni complicate. La lista è davvero molto ampia.

Semplicemente scrivendo il relativo codice all’interno della console del videogame, durante una partita in corso, potremo specificare cosa ottenere e la sua quantità.
Basterà accedere alla console del gioco premendo i tasti ALT + (in sequenza) 1, 2, 6 del tastierino numerico (con i tasti numerici situtati sulle lettere non funziona) per far comparire il simbolo ~.
A questo punto basterà scrivere questa stringa di testo: player.additem 0000000 [num]. Invece di “num” scriviamo la quantità dell’oggetto che ci serve e invece di 0000000 inseriamo il codice relativo agli oggetti sottostanti.
.308 Caliber Round: 0006B53C
.32 Caliber Round: 000207F7
.44 Round Magnum: 0002937E
10mm Round: 00004241
5.56mm Round: 00004240
5mm Round: 000615A8
Alien Powercell: 00029364
BB – Ammo: 0002935B
Bottlecap Mines: 0000433A
Dart: 00047419
Electron Charge Pack: 000615AF
Energy Cell: 00020772
Flamer Fuel: 00029371
Frag Grenades: 00004330
Frag Mines: 0000433C
Mesmetron Power Cell: 0006A80D
Microfusion Cell: 00078CC3
Mini Nuke: 00020799
Missile: 000B8791
Missiles: 00029383
Pulse Grenades: 00004331
Railway Spikes: 00029384
Shotgun Shell: 00028EEA
Sonic Energy: 00056634
Advanced Radiation Suit: 0003307A
Apocalypse Gladiator Armor: 000CB5F6
Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit: 00034121
Army Power Armor: 00061A72
Athlete of the Wastes Outfit: 000340FB
Ballcap with Glasses: 00028FFA
Bandana: 00073D57
Biker Goggles: 0009B188
BirthSkirt: 0007CFF0
Blast Off Pajamas: 0005B6EA
Boogeyman’s Hood: 0008F775
Brotherhood of Steel Powered Armor: 00075203
Brotherhood Power Armor: 00075201
Brotherhood Scribe Robe: 000854CF
Button’s Wig: 0008A6DD
Child Blastoff Helmet: 0007C109
Chinese Commando Hat: 00078646
Chinese Jumpsuit: 000340D2
Combat Armor: 00020420
Combat Helmet: 00020426
Commando Armor: 000CB544
Composite Recon Armor: 000CB5FA
Crow’s Eyebot Helmet: 000B17A0
Dad’s Wasteland Outfit: 00079F09
Defender Armor: 000CB543
Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit: 000340D3
Dirty Pre-War Businesswear: 0005C682
Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit: 0005BB70
Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear: 0005BB6F
Doctor Li’s Glasses: 0005C9A0
Doctor Li’s Outfit: 000340DA
Elder Lyons’ Robe: 00087274
Enclave Officer Uniform: 000340DE
Enclave Power Armor: 00023B62
Enclave Scientist Outfit: 0001B5BD
Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet: 000CB5F4
Environment Suit: 000C09D4
Eulogy Jones’ Hat: 00034126
Explorer’s Gear: 000CB549
Eyebot Helmet: 0004E6A0
Eyeglasses: 000340FD
Ghoul Mask: 0001DC1C
GlassesReadingChild: 0005DC82
Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor: 000CB5FE
Handyman Jumpsuit: 000BF6FD
Hat of the People: 000CB604
Head Wrap: 00074296
Highway Scar Armor: 000CB5FF
Hockey Mask: 00033598
Kid’s Ballcap with Glasses: 0009B185
Kid’s Murray the Mole Hat: 00078643
Maple’s Garb: 0005A6CA
Mayor MacCready’s Outfit: 000340E7
Merc Adventurer Outfit: 00034124
Merc Charmer Outfit: 00034122
Merc Cruiser Outfit: 000CB60B
Merc Troublemaker Outfit: 00034123
Merc Veteran Outfit: 0008C83C
Metal Helmet: 00033080
Modified Utility Jumpsuit: 0007C17C
Motorcycle Helmet: 0009B186
Mysterious Stranger Hat: 0006B467
Naughty Nightwear: 000C8E07
Oasis Druid Hood: 0009B18A
Oasis Robe: 000340E8
Outcast Power Armor: 00060C70
Outcast Recon Helmet: 000645ED
Pre-War Hat: 000340C8
Pre-War Kid’s Outfit: 000340C3
Pre-War Outfit and Watch: 0008198C
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit: 0005BB66
Pre-War Relaxedwear: 0005BB63
Pre-War Spring Outfit: 000340D0
Prototype Medic Power Armor: 0007836E
Pyro Helmet: 000CB600
Radiation Suit: 00033078
Ragamuffin Outfit: 000340F8
Ragamuffin Tophat: 00074950
Raider Arclight Helmet: 00078644
Raider Badlands Armor: 0003307D
Raider Painspike Armor: 0002042F
Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet: 00020432
Raider Sadist Armor: 0003307C
Sexy Sleepwear: 000340E6
Shady Hat: 0007C17D
Sharp-Dressed Raider’s Armor: 000CB5FC
Shellshocked Combat Armor: 000CB5EF
Shellshocked Combat Helmet: 000CB5F0
Sheriff’s Duster: 00020429
Sheriff’s Hat: 0002DD80
Sleepwear: 000CB60E
Tesla Armor: 0006B464
Tesla Armor: 0008F571
Tesla Helmet: 0006B465
The AntAgonizer’s Costume: 0003411D
The AntAgonizer’s Helmet: 0003411F
The Devil’s Pigtails: 000CB5FD
Three Dog’s Glasses: 000ACDA4
Three Dog’s Head Wrap: 00073FEC
Tinted Reading Glasses: 0001C295
Torcher’s Mask: 000C7C4E
Tortiseshell Glasses: 0005C9A1
Tunnel Snake Outfit: 0002042E
Tunnel Snake Outfit: 00061D98
Wasteland Surgeon Outfit: 000340FF
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit: 0001BA00
Bobby Pins: 0000000A
Bottle Caps: 0000000F
Finger: 000604DE
Medical Brace: 0002210D
Stealth Boy: 00043E94
Nella seconda parte dell’articolo vedremo i codici relativi alle armi, ai libri e agli alimenti.

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