PSN Store – Aggiornamento del 2 aprile

Store Ps3
Torna come di consueto l’aggiornamento al PSN Store. Dopo essere sopravvissuti ai vari pesci d’aprile che ci sono stati tesi da tutte le case videoludiche e non solo ecco cosa troveremo negli store di PS3. Augurando a tutti buon download arrivederci alla prossima settimana.

Versione dimostrativa

Dynasty Warriors: Strike Force (PSP)
Add on:
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
– Isles of Conflict (free)
Guitar Hero World Tour
– Pixies Pack (€5.49 | €1.99)
– “Debaser”
– “Monkey Gone To Heaven”
– “The Sad Punk”
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
– Storm Pack 9 (free)
– Storm Pack 10 (free)

– Ao No Kutsu (€0.99)
– Brock Lee (€0.99)
Rock Band
– canzoni varie ( €1.49)
– “Don’t Stop Believing’” – Journey
– “Heartbreaker” – Pat Benatar
– “Geraldine” – Glasvegas
– “C’Mon C’Mon” – Von Bondies

SpongeBob SquarePants Pack 01 (€2.29 | €0.79)
– “I Can’t Keep My Eyes Off of You”
– “The Best Day Ever”
– “Where’s Gary?”

Sonic Unleashed
– Chun-nan Adventure Pack (€3.99)

Street Fighter IV
– Classic Pack (€3.99)

Unreal Tournament III
– Titan Pack (gratis)

Everybody’s Golf World Tour – Extra Excitement Trailer
RUSE – Announcement Trailer: The Bluff
Split Second – Announcement Trailer

Temi e Sfondi:
PAIN – temi
Ragdoll Kung Fu – tema & sfondo

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